Remote Ligthsheet microscopy at CIB, U. Mayor.
Currently, and since 2022, our center has the only Lightsheet microscopy equipment operating in the country and in South America. Aware of this reality, we have opened the remote microscopy service to all researchers in the region who are far from our center.
The remote microscopy service is a joint effort of our microscopy center with LiSIUM-Chile, which consists in using our equipment through remote control programs to be used from anywhere in the world.
Free use program funded by LiSIUM-Chile and CZI program for development in Bioimage in South America
Under the LiSIUM-Chile program, thanks to CZI’s support, we can cover the mailing of samples from any region in Chile and South America, as well as the time of use of our equipment. Under this remote microscopy program by LiSIUM-Chile, access to our lightsheet microscope is completely free. Applications for free use are opened periodically during the year, just be aware of our social networks or sign up to our mailing list to keep you updated on all our activities.